28Feb 2019




Why cPanel Is The Best Control Panel For Web Hosting?

what is cPanel

There are many control panel solutions for web hosting out there but cPanel is the most popular. It has been around for over two decades and it is built around the operating system known as Linux (or CloudLinux to be accurate). It comes with amazing features that will let you easily manage your websites and web assets. Read on to discover the reasons why cPanel is the preferred control panel for most users and companies.

cPanel Is Easy To Use and Install

cPanel is a top choice by most people because it is easy to install and not hard to use. With only 20 GB disk space, you can run it out of the box and when it is installed, you will get access to a graphical interface that allows you to manage your hosting accounts with only some clicks. You can actually carry out your daily tasks easily and enjoy a polished platform. Furthermore, the use of cPanel lets you save money that you would otherwise give to a dedicated IT professional as you can automate loads of tasks via Cron jobs. A cPanel license is expensive, but you can easily get around it by buying reseller hosting.


Compatibility is another big advantage of cPanel. It works well with many browsers including Chrome, Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari. In addition, cPanel supports many third-party add-on software which will go a long way in helping you to build effective websites. The cPanel is able to host any type of website ranging from blogs to e-commerce websites. It is also able to host PHP scripts and applications written in Python, Ruby, etc… It is also scalable which means that you can start with little resources and increase your online presence as your business grows. Whether it is reseller hosting or shared, cPanel is compatible with both hosting interfaces. At IntellyHost WHM (Web Hosting Manager) is provisioned for reseller hosting clients while cPanel is provisioned for shared hosting clients.

It Is Portable

There are times that you just need to change a web hosting provider. There are many reasons why this change may be inevitable. For example, you may discover that your current host does not offer enough add-ons or resources that meet your requirements. On the other hand, you may want to change the host because you have just discovered a cheaper option. If you want to make the moving process smooth, cPanel has an exceptional migration feature. As a result of this, you can easily move your website from one web hosting company to another without much hassle.

It Is Reliable and Performs Optimally

Whatever you want to achieve with your website, it is essential to be in possession of a control panel that will keep your website up and running. Even though it may not be possible to get an absolute solution from any control panel, cPanel is fully packed with features that will keep you at ease. For instance, cPanel comes with features that can discover failed services and when a problem appears, cPanel will restart automatically. Besides, it has a clustering system that allows the system to perform optimally.

Flexible Database Management System

One of cPanel’s features allows you to easily build MySQL databases according to your needs. You can use the database system to perform any action including the creation, migration, and modification of tables. In addition, you can import files into your database. You can also make use of PHP MyAdmin that allows you to make precision changes to your database by using the SQL syntax.

It Has Smooth Email Functions

If you want everybody in your company connected, you can use the email system available in cPanel. In today’s world that requires having a professional image of your business, a branded email address is unavoidable. You can use cPanel for creating and managing your email accounts in a convenient way. Also, you can build an email forwarding system with cPanel, change passwords for your employees. cPanel is also exceptional in filtering out spam emails, by using the SpamAssassin module.

Carries Stronger Site Management Features

It is easy for you to install and uninstall domains, subdomains, addon domains, and extensions. You can access error pages, produce protected passwords, block IPs, allow IPs. If you have a parked domain, you can add it to your website using cPanel.

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