12Mar 2019




Why Is an SSL Certificate Important For Web Hosting?

SSL Certificate

The importance of an SSL certificate in web hosting cannot be ignored. As the internet evolves, there have been multiple methods for protecting websites. This has not deterred cybercriminals coming up with new methods of infiltrating websites. For many years, big corporations in the IT world, such as Google, have been working round the clock to ensure that the World Wide Web is safer. That’s why they started to not only prefer websites with HTTP in their search rankings but show website without it as unsafe. Website owners should use HTTPS protocol for their websites so that the data sent to the users’ computers remain encrypted and transmit securely.

As the safety of the internet requires more rigorous efforts, a lot of solutions came into being to enhance online security. For example, Google launched Chrome 68 which will identify websites without SSL certificates and mark them as insecure. Websites that are using SSL certificates will display their URL’s https in green which means that they are secure. If you don’t use the HTTPS protocol it can have an adverse effect on your business, especially if the majority of your website visitors are using a browser like Chrome 68. As a result of this, you need to consider an SSL certificate even if you are using a shared web hosting plan.

SSL is an acronym for Secure Sockets Layer and SSL certificates have been around for about 20 years. If you get an SSL certificate for your website, the sensitive data of your visitors will go through a network that is adequately secured. In the past, many companies did not consider SSL certificates as necessary because of their cost and hectic implementation. Nowadays, it is easier to obtain SSL certificates. They are easy to install because a lot of web hosting companies are offering this service, usually free of charge and completely automated.

Is It Important To Have An SSL Certificate?

Your website needs an SSL certificate but if you are yet to be convinced, there are many additional reasons that will change your mind!

Increase Your Website’s Security

With an SSL certificate, sensitive data sent to and from your website will be protected. Important information like payment details, addresses, personal information, login details will be encrypted to avoid cybercriminals accessing them. This will go a long way in ensuring that your sensitive information is not used by hackers for malicious purposes.

Safeguard Your Subdomains

There are some SSL certificates such as Wildcard certificates, that let you secure your main website as well as all its subdomains. For example, if your website has a blog, you will be able to protect both the website and the blog with a single certificate. However, if you purchase the standard SSL certificate, you will need to install a distinct certificate for every single domain or subdomain.

Earn Credibility and Trust Of Your Customers

With a security padlock showing at the address bar of your visitors’ browsers when your website appears, you will earn a higher level of trust. This will show that your visitors’ activities on your site are secure and this will boost your credibility. They will see your business as one that gives top priority to their privacy. Without a certificate, you are at the risk of some browsers labeling your site as ‘unsafe’.

Boost Your SEO

An SSL certificate can help in enhancing your search engine ranking. Major search engines like Google are factoring in site security into their algorithms. It is not recommended for you to ignore this fact. Sites that have encrypted connections will probably rank higher than those without them. This will be an advantage for your business especially if your competitors are yet to get a certificate.

How Do You Get An SSL Certificate?

To get a paid SSL certificate, you need to contact your hosting service provider. They are part of many hosting plans and you can purchase them separately as well. Many hosting providers like IntellyHost offer SSL certificates free of charge and you can install it from your cPanel completely automatically. You should join the HTTPS revolution. The security of your website will be enhanced and you will gain the trust of your visitors.

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